Self-Care Themes


This year started off with a kick-off to How's Your 5? Wellness campaign. Dr. Doug Walker, creator of the program, did an overview of the program for the first continuing education presentation in our speaker series. The four following presentations throughout the series will have the self care themed around one of the five domains. Each time, the attendees will receive a small giveaway correlated with the theme along with a card that speaks about the importance of the domain and challenges the attendees to build self-care practices into their routines and share them with us through social media.

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#PFDLHowsyourfive #selfcarechallenge


How's your five?

How’s Your 5? is a public mental wellness campaign that reinforces individual and community resilience by creating a common language to support each other across five fundamental domains of human experience: Work (employment/school), Love ( relationships/social support), Play (self-care/ joyful activities), Sleep (sleep habits), and Eat (consumption – eating and drinking). By paying personal attention to and supporting those around you in these five domains you create a “buddy system” that supports family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and state of mind.


Monthly cards were designed based on the needs and interests of respondents to a self-care survey the previous year. Each card incorporated an inspirational quote and self-care exercises for PFDL partners to practice. Every card was uniquely designed to fit their specific topic: breath, sleep, gratitude, inspire, self-compassion, relationships, spirituality, play, and balance. Each card was laminated and hole-punched to be collected on a keychain the counselors and social workers were encouraged to keep in their office and also use with clients as needed.


One team member took charge in creating a monthly calendar filled with daily self-care reminders and practices as well as helpful resources. Each month of the school year focused on a topic based on past research and relevance. The nine topics included were: Assessment, Spirituality, Mindfulness, Social Connection, Relaxation/Meditation, Creative Expression, Physical Health, Job Satisfaction, and Altruism. Every calendar was filled to give attendees daily options on how to fit self-care into their routines.



At the kick off meeting, each attendee received a small desktop stand with a clip and a September quote card. Each month, PFDL chose a quote relevant to self care that tied in with the month’s theme and distributes to attendees. Attendees were encouraged to clip their quote on their stand which is on their desk and use it as a reminder that self care is an important and necessary part of their job.
